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Welcome To The Self Made Billionaire Project

SMB’s fast-growing community is now over 3k+ members and is made up of people just like you. Smart, savvy, and enthusiastic about everything we do. The SMB community is committed to building projects that are intuitive, useful and accessible to all. Join our friendly and supportive community today and find out what makes SMB so popular!

HomeWhat is the SMB Token project?

The Self Made Billionaire Project started from a group of tokens, each token having a specific function in the SMB ecosystem. The SMB Token is payment utility token and you might see it pop up in places where crypto is accepted as payment. SMB is the backbone of the SMB ecosystem and was the first token in the group. There is a total max supply of 100 billion tokens and will help pave the way for future SMB development and projects which include but are not limited to the SMBSwap, tokenlicious.com, games, apps, other coins/tokens. The SMBGE Token was the second token in the group, and has a max supply of 100 trillion tokens. SMBGE will contribute to agricultual and green projects. The SMBElon Token is the third token in the group and it is the SMB Token project's meme token named after one of the worlds finest SelfMade billionaires. SMBElon is highly experimental and its success will depend on the SMB community as they will controll 20% of the total supply before the walruses get in the pool. This token has a max supply of 1 quadrillion tokens and will be tied into the SMB Reward system, and distributed far and wide. SELF is the fourth token in the group has an uncapped supply and is the SMBSwap's goverenence token. SELF was made to incentivize liquidity provision, and reward users for staking their SMB assets on the SMBSwap platform. We chose BEP-20/BSC network for its security, speed, and low cost fees making it easier for investors to buy and sell.The Self Made Billionaire Project is made by real people for real people.

GuideQuick guide how to buy

Create MetaMask wallet and enable BSC Network

Download MetaMask Create a MetaMask Wallet using either a desktop computer or an iOS/Android mobile device. If the BSC Network is not available in your MetaMask follow this guide Connecting MetaMask to BSC Net to add the network. That will allow you to buy, sell, send, any SMB asset.

Send Binance coin(BNB) to your wallet

You will need BNB for network fees and for trading.Transfer Binance coin (BNB) to your MetaMask Wallet from exchanges like Coinbase, Binance, etc. Make sure to use the BEP-20 network when transfering BNB.

Connect your wallet to SMBSwap

Go to https://smbswap.finance/swap and access your wallet on SMBSwap by clicking 'Connect to a wallet' and selecting MetaMask.

Add the SMB asset to your MetaMask

Select Import Token, and then enter your SMB assets contract address.
SMB: 0x8d5e2c90edf6cc695f8f00c6b586a74ec205f06c
SMBGE: 0x22915339b9fbf86b5528697ee22e0516add91348
SMBElon: 0x609f59c97ddf58475c7d3f3fc829c3ff9fc4f76f
SELF: 0x7a364484303b38bce7b0ab60a20da8f2f4370129
The rest of the form should auto fill. Then select Add Token, your asset should be visible in your wallet

Road MapRoadmap


SMB Tokenomics Development Community Distribution Marketing Liquidity

SMBGE Tokenomics

10,000,000,000,000 Development
10,000,000,000,000 Contributions
10,000,000,000,000 Community Distribution
20,000,000,000,000 Marketing
50,000,000,000,000 Liquidity

SMBElon Tokenomics

100,000,000,000,000 Development
200,000,000,000,000 Community Distribution
200,000,000,000,000 Marketing
500,000,000,000,000 Liquidity
- 101,299,767,503,936


SELF Tokenomics

20% Farms
10% Pools
20% Lottery
50% Burn

TeamSMBEmpire Team

SMBEmpire | Godfather

Founder, Head of Development, Marketing

SMBEmpire | BigFish

Co-Founder, Financial advisor

SMBEmpire | Crek

Board-Director, Project Manager, Lead Developer, Marketing, Discord Admin

SMBEmpire | ThePeachOx

Board-Director,Writer, Editor, Typesetter, Proofreader, Discord Moderator

SMBEmpire | Tatertot

Tech, Discord Moderator

SMBEmpire | EnigmaCrunch

Discord Moderator

SMBEmpire | PatrioticTexan

Discord Moderator

TeamProject Listings



Listing 1


Listing 2



Listing 3



Listing 4



Listing 5

ArtCommunity Art


To contribute to the SMB Token Project, you could send ETH, BNB or any BEP-20 or ERC-20 Token to this address!
Thank you for your support!